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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2010 - 2011

Module Title E-Commerce and Entrepreneurship
Module Code EF571
School DCUBS

Online Module Resources

Module Co-ordinatorMs Geraldine LavinOffice Number
NFQ level 9 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Compatibles None
Incompatibles None

The purpose of this module is to provide students with the unique opportunity to learn and practice the skills and expertise involved in the successful commercialisation of new ICT technologies by developing a commercialisation plan for a product, process or service idea generated by university researchers.

Learning Outcomes

1. Analyse key stages and processes involved in the commercialisation of new ICT based products, processes and services.
2. Investigate a commercialisation strategy for a new product, process or service in the ICT market
3. Assess the role of universities, governments, firms and entrepreneurs in the innovation process.
4. Develop enhanced team leadership, planning, negotiation and problem solving skills in a high-technology product development environment.

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Tutorial9(a) case studies (b) weekly progress reports (c) project and process discussion and feedback
Independent Study22Reading core texts and materials
Lecture24Outline of feasibility plan, presentations from experts in the field including: entrepreneurs, venture capitalists , IP solicitors and technology tranfer officers
Group work15Weekly group meetings on preperation of feasibility plan
Assignment Completion30Group preperation and collation of feasibility plan
Group work25Meetings with experts, field trip to Enterprise Ireland Information Centre, primary research.
Total Workload: 125

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

High Technology Entrepreneurship
This sections assesses the changing role of the university in National Systems of Innovations and in particular the rise of the academic entrepreneur and the university spin-off company. It examines definitions, characteristics and roles of high-technology entrepreneurs

The Commercialisation Plan.
This lecture looks at the planning process including the key sections of the Commercialisation Plan. It also the differentiates between the New Business Plan and the Commercialisation Plan

Marketing High Technology Products and Services
The challenge of marketing products and services based on discontinuous innovation. The high-technology adoption model, developed by Geoffrey Moore in Crossing the Chasm is assessed.

Intellectual Property Rights
Identifies the different types of IP protection available for technology products: trademarks, patents, design rights and copyright. It also examines the process and cost involved in registering and managing IP. It includes a detailed examination of a patent application presented by Cathal Lane, Patent Attorney

Financing High-Tech Start-Ups
There are two sections to this topic. Section 1 discusses the various sources of financing available to High-tech start-ups and section 2 looks at how to do financial projections for a typical start up. There will be a guest lecture from a venture capitalist.

Business Models
Business and revenue models for New Technology Based Firms. Identifying and defending a Sustainable Competitive Advantage. Routes to market.

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Reassessment Requirement
Resit arrangements are explained by the following categories;
1 = A resit is available for all components of the module
2 = No resit is available for 100% continuous assessment module
3 = No resit is available for the continuous assessment component
Indicative Reading List

  • Tidd, Joe, Bessant, John and Pavitt, Keith: 2005, Managing Innovation, 3rd Edition., Wiley and Sons Ltd, England.,
Other Resources

Programme or List of Programmes
MECBMSc in Electronic Commerce (Business)
MECTMSc in Electronic Commerce (Technical)