Indicative Content and
Learning Activities
Indicative Content and Learning ActivitiesIntroduction: What is Research?
Conducting Research
Research Sources, Terminology, Using Theory
Children’s Literature: An Introduction
An overview of the concerns of contemporary scholarship in the discipline.
Structuralism and Narratology
General Theory: de Saussure, Ferdinand. ‘Course in General Linguistics’, in Rivkin, Julie and Ryan, Michael, eds. Literary Theory: An
Anthology. 2nd edn. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004, pp. 59–71; Children’s Literature Approach: Stephens, John. ‘Narratology’, in Rudd, David. The
Routledge Companion to Children’s Literature. New York and London: Routledge, 2010; Suggested Children’s Text: Ahlberg, Janet and
Allan, The Jolly Postman, Or Other People’s Letters (1986).
Post-Structuralism and Reader-Response Criticism
General Theory: Fish, Stanley. ‘Intepreting the Variorum’ (1976), in Rivkin, Julie and Ryan, Michael, eds., pp. 217–221; Children’s Literature
Approach: Wall, Barbara. ‘Problems of Audience’, in Hunt, Peter, ed. Children’s Literature, Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies,
Vol I, pp. 375-389; Suggested Children’s Text: Haddon, Mark. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-TIme (2003).
Gender and Psychoanalysis
General Theory: Butler, Judith. ‘Performative Acts and Gender Construction’ (1988), extract in Rivkin, Julie and Ryan, Michael, eds., pp.
900-911; Children’s Literature Approach: Mallan, Kerry. Gender Dilemmas in Children’s Fiction. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009;
Suggested Children’s Text: Artell, Mike and Harris, J. Petite Rouge (2001). General Theory: Lacan, Jacques. ‘The Mirror Stage as
Formative of the Function of the I’, in Rivkin, Julie and Ryan, Michael, eds., pp. 441–446; Children’s Literature Approach: McCallum, Robyn.
Ideologies of Identity in Adolescent Fiction; The Dialogic Construction of Subjectivity (‘Introduction’); Suggested Children’s Text: Rowling, J.
K. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (1998).
Colonialism and Postcolonialism
General Theory: Said, Edward. Orientalism (1978), in Rivkin, Julie and Ryan, M., eds., pp. 873-886; Children’s Literature Approach:
Bradford, Clare. ‘Race, Ethnicity, and Colonialism’ in Rudd, David. The Routledge Companion to Children’s Literature; Suggested Children’s
Text: Hodgson Burnett, Frances. A Little Princess (1990).
Moderism and Postmodernism
General Theory: Lyotard, Jean-François. The Postmodern Condition (1979), in Rivkin, Julie and Ryan, Michael; Children’s Literature
Approach: Lewis, David. Reading Contemporary Picturebooks: Picturing Text. New York and London: Routledge, 2001; Suggested
Children’s Text: Macaulay, David. Black and White (1990Essential Book ResourcesDusinberre, Juliet 1999, Alice to the Lighthouse. Children's Books and Radical Experiments in Art, 2 Ed., Palgrave Macmillan
Grenby, Matthew O 2008, Children’s Literature., Edinburgh UP Edinburgh
Grenby, Matthew O. and Kimberley Reynolds (eds) 2011, Children’s Literature Studies: A Research Handbook, Palgrave London
MLA 2009, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers., 7th ed. Ed., Modern Language Assocation of America New York