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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2010 - 2011

Module Title Curriculum Assessment and Evaluation
Module Code ES204
School School of Education Studies

Online Module Resources

Module Co-ordinatorDr Justin RamiOffice NumberCA114
NFQ level 8 Credit Rating 10
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Compatibles None
Incompatibles None

The purpose of this module is to provide students with an overview of Assessment & Evaluation approaches and strategies appropriate to a variety of organisational contexts. The approach taken will allow students to explore the sociological implications of systems of assessment & evaluation and to facilitate students in developing the skills required to develop their own strategies in their own contetxts. The module will help enable students to understand the increasing importance of assessment & evaluation on curriculum development and the theoretical principles underpinning a range of practices. Through a developmental and constructivist approach students will immerse themselves in the subject by designing and marking a range of assessments.

Learning Outcomes

1. Define a range of assessment instruments
2. Describe the multiple purposes of assessment & evaluation
3. Select appropriate assessment techniques to assess individual learners
4. Develop relevant assessment procedures and design suitable assessment instruments in a learning environment
5. Identify the key questions to be addressed in writing an evaluation strategy· select an appropriate model of evaluation using some basic evaluation methods
6. Defend an approach to cultural and ethical issues in evaluation & assessment

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Lecture36several core seminars and lectures and varying times for varying lengths
Assignment Completion80three assignment tasks over the 12 week period
Tutorial26one to one meetings with Module coordinator
Online activity22reflective discussion
Independent Study20self directed focussed reading
Independent Study66self initiated - reading / revison
Total Workload: 250

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Assessment & Evaluation
Students will be introduced to the difference s between Assessment & Evaluation and asked to contribute experiences of either. Areas covered will include: definitions and descriptions: terminology - norm and criterion referenced, continuous, summative, formative, diagnostic; competence; validity and reliability

Assessment, Evaluation & the Curriculum
Students will explore aspects of assessment and evaluation in relation to the curriculum and how these directly influence the direction, function and purposes of learning

Assessment Purposes and Functions
Students will explore assessment as methodology, as statement of achievement; as indicator of progress; as screening device, and as a tool for learning

Domians of learning
Within this section the module will explore ares of learning from the psychomotor to the affective and looks at how this influence assessment techniques and strategies. Special attention will be paid to the design and interpretation of learning objectives and learning outcomes with a look at curriculum alignment

Designing Assessments
This section looks at Assessment techniques and examinations of different types- written, practical, interview and oral assessment, observation; portfolios, projects, task and performance related strategies: etc.

Marking Assessments & Providing feedback
Teachers & trainers recognise that feedback is an essential element in helping learners / trainees improve. When using assessment for learning strategies, educators need to move away from giving work marks out of 10 with comments that may not be related to the learning intention of the task (eg 'try harder' or 'join up your writing') and move towards giving feedback to help the learner / trainee improve in the specific activity

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Reassessment Requirement
Resit arrangements are explained by the following categories;
1 = A resit is available for all components of the module
2 = No resit is available for 100% continuous assessment module
3 = No resit is available for the continuous assessment component
Indicative Reading List

  • Black, P: 1998, Testing: Friend Or Foe? London. The Falmer Press.,
  • Williams, K: 1992, Assessment: A Discussion Paper, ASTI, Ireland,
  • Rami, J., Lalor, J., & McNamara, G: 2007, Journal of Case Studies of Good Practice in the Assessment of Student Learning in Higher Education, Issue 1, Multiple approaches to reflection as a key component of Assessment., AISHE - HEA, Ireland,
  • Hyland, A: 2000, Multiple Intelligences Curriculum and Assessment Project. Final Report, UCC press, Cork, Ireland,
  • Davis, A: 1998, The Limits of Educational Assessment, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, UK,
  • Gipps., C.V., & Murphy, P: 1994, A Fair Test? Assessment, Achievement & Equity, Open University Press, UK,
  • Kubiszyn, T. & Borich, G.: 1996, Educational Testing and Measurement, Harpers-Collins, New York,
  • Hobart, C. & Frankel, J: 1996, Child Observation and Assessment, Stanley Thornes Ltd, UK,
  • Broadfoot, P: 1996, Education, Assessment and Society, Open University Press, UK,
  • Stenström, M.L, & & Laine, K (Eds): 2006, Quality and Practice in Assessment: New Approaches in Work-Related Learning, 3 - Rami, J & Lalor, J : Triangulation & Reflection within practice-oriented assessment in vocational teacher education programmes at Dublin City University, Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä, Finland,
  • Stenström, M.-L. & Laine, K.: 2006, TOWARDS GOOD PRACTICES for Practice-Oriented Assessment in European Vocational Education, 2: Rami, J & Lalor, J: Elements of good practice: examples, Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä., Finland,
  • Grollman, P & Stenström, M.-L: 2005, Quality Assurance and Practice-oriented Assessment in Vocational Education and Training: Country Studies, 55, Institute Technik und Bildung, University of Bremen, Germany, 1615-3138
  • Evaluation :: 0, Evaluation:, Esterby-Smith M. Evaluation of Management, Education, Training and Development London: Gower, 1994Maykut, P and Moorehouse, R (1994) Beginning Qualitative Research. London: Falmer Murray, B. Faugham P and Redmond D. Undertaking an Evaluation:,
Other Resources

Programme or List of Programmes
ETBSc in Education & Training