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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2003 - 2004

Module Title Introduction To Human Resource Management
Module Code HR201
School DCUBS

Online Module Resources

Level 2 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
To provide a general overview of Human Resource Management within organisations and an understanding of the issues involved in the staffing of organisations, including the recruitment and selection of staff, their training and development, and the ways in which their performance can be assessed and rewarded.

Learning Outcomes
7 To obtain an understanding of the issues involved in the staffing of both large and small organisations, including the recruitment and selection of staff, their training and development, and the ways in which their performance can be assessed and rewarded. 7 Students will be able to prepare a curriculum vitae and letter of application and understand the processes involved in seeking and gaining employment. 7 Students will be made aware of the existence of computerised information systems in personnel work.

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 24
Tutorials 0
Laboratories 0
Seminars 0
Independent Learning Time 51

Total 75
Assume that a 5 credit module load represents approximately 75 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
¿ Introduction to Human Resource Management ¿ Tracing the development of Personnel / Human Resource Management ¿ HR strategies, Policies and Procedures ¿ Human Resource Planning ¿ Recruitment and selection ¿ Training and Development ¿ Performance Management ¿ Reward Systems ¿ Communications ¿ Computerised Personnel Information Systems
Continuous Assessment20% Examination Weight80%
Indicative Reading List
Essential Gunnigle, P., Heraty, N & Morely, M. (1997), Personnel and Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice in Ireland, Dublin: Gill & MacMillan. Supplementary Anderson, G., (1993), Managing Performance Appraisal Systems, Oxford: Blackwell. Anderson, N. and Shackleton, V. (1993) Successful Selection Interviewing. Oxford: Blackwell. Armstrong, M. (1998) A Handbook of Personnel Management Practice. London: Kogan Page. Armstrong, M. and Murlis, H. (1994) Reward Management. London: Kogan Page. Beaumont, P. (1993) Human Resource Management: Key concepts and Skills. London: Sage. Fletcher, C. and Williams, R. (1985) Performance Appraisal and Career Development. London: Hutchinson. Roche, W., Monks, K. and Walsh, J. (1998) Human Resource Strategies. Dublin: Oak Tree Press. Torrington, D. and Hall, L. (1998) Human Resource Management. London: Prentice-Hall. Wilkinson, T. (1989) The Communications Challenge. IPM. Note: Other supplementary readings will be recommended during class.
Programme or List of Programmes
BSBachelor of Business Studies
EBFBA in European Business (French)
EBGBA in European Business (German)
EBSBA in European Business (Spanish)
EBTBA in European Business (Trans.Studies)
IBLFGBA in Inter. Business & Lang. (Fr/Ge)
IBLFSBA in Inter. Business & Lang. (Fr/Sp)
IBLGSBA in Inter. Business & Lang. (Ge/Sp)
IBLJBA in Inter. Business & Lang. (Japanese)