Module Title |
Introduction to Marketing
Module Code |
School |
Online Module Resources
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Credit Rating |
Pre-requisite |
Co-requisite |
Module Aims
To enable students to gain an understanding of the major decisions faced by marketing management in their efforts to balance the organisation's objectives against the needs and opportunities in the global marketplace.
Learning Outcomes
To give students an understanding of the critical issues in marketing and to equip them with concepts and models relevant to these issues. An understanding of basic marketing concepts is essential for employees of all customer oriented organisations, irrespective of the functional areas in which they are employed.
Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures |
Tutorials |
Laboratories |
Seminars |
Independent Learning Time |
Total |
Placements |
Assignments |
Assume that a 5 credit module load represents approximately 75 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.
Indicative Syllabus
Definitions; micro and macro marketing; the marketing concept; market opportunity
analysis; target market selection; marketing mix development; special consideration of service marketing.
Environmental Opportunities and Constraints
Environmental scanning and analysis; demography, economics, science and technology,social values and beliefs, political and legal environment, competitive environment.
Target Markets - Segmentation and Evaluation
Strategies for market segmentation, bases for market segmentation; evaluating marketing and forecasting sales.
Marketing Research and Information Management
Scope of marketing research; classifications of marketing research; stages in the research process; designing the research; gathering research data; the scope of marketing information systems.
Consumer and Organisational Buying Behaviour
The buying decision process; person specific, psychological and social influences on the buying decision process; dimensions of organisational buying.
Developing the Marketing Mix
Detailed examination of examination of product, price, distribution and promotional strategies.
International Marketing
International marketing environment; developing international marketing involvement;globalisation versus customised marketing strategies; strategic adaptation of marketing mixes.
Assessment | Continuous Assessment | 50% | Examination Weight | 50% |
Indicative Reading List
Marketing , Elizabeth Hill & Terry O'Sullivan Longman, , 1999
Principles of Marketing , Kotler, Philip & Barry Armstrong, Prentice Hall New Jersey, 1994
Marketing: Concepts and Strategies , Dibb, Simkin, Pride & Ferrell, Houghton Mifflin
Company, Boston,, 1992
Managing Marketing: Concepts and Irish Cases , Murray, J.A. & O'Driscoll, A., Gill &
Macmillan, 1993.
Programme or List of Programmes
AF | BA in Accounting & Finance |
BME | BEng Manufacturing Engineering &Business |
BS | Bachelor of Business Studies |
BSSA | Study Abroad (DCU Business School) |
BSSAO | Study Abroad (DCU Business School) |
CA | BSc in Computer Applications |
EBF | BA in European Business (French) |
EBG | BA in European Business (German) |
EBS | BA in European Business (Spanish) |
EBT | BA in European Business (Trans.Studies) |
ECSA | Study Abroad (Engineering & Computing) |
ECSAO | Study Abroad (Engineering & Computing) |
HMSA | Study Abroad (Humanities & Soc Science) |
HMSAO | Study Abroad (Humanities & Soc Science) |
IBLFG | BA in Inter. Business & Lang. (Fr/Ge) |
IBLFS | BA in Inter. Business & Lang. (Fr/Sp) |
IBLGS | BA in Inter. Business & Lang. (Ge/Sp) |
IBLJ | BA in Inter. Business & Lang. (Japanese) |
IFCBLJ | Int Foundation Cert (Bus & Lang Jap) |
IFCBS | Int Foundation Cert (Business Studies) |
LIC | BA Languages for Int. Communication |
PFCBS | Pilot Foundation Course (Business) |
SHSA | Study Abroad (Science & Health) |
SHSAO | Study Abroad (Science & Health) |
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