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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2008 - 2009

Module Title French Language 3
Module Code FR130
School SALIS

Online Module Resources

Level 1 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
This module sets the level A2-B1 from the Common European Framework of Reference as its minimum exit level. It aims to introduce students to lifelong language learning strategies and to develop their capacity to communicate with peers in a social and/or academic context. It thus aims to develop their confidence and competence in spoken and written interaction through the medium of French while introducing them to new approaches to language learning, including Computer Mediated Collaborative Language Learning.

Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module, students will be able, through French, to:  1) Language skills (Know-how & skill)  2) Intercultural competence (Competence)3) Transferable skills and learning to learn (Competence)SEE FURTHER INFORMATION

Indicative Time Allowances
Tutorials 24
Laboratories 12
Seminars 0
Independent Learning Time 39

Total 75
Assume that a 5 credit module load represents approximately 75 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
The syllabus adopts a project and task-based approach and is organised around action-reflection cycles of 3-6 weeks duration. Students will engage in group projects designed to foster the development of learner autonomy and autonomous language use. These projects will enable students to focus on familiar topics and skills while attending to form and meaning. They will constitute the basis for the Continuous Assessment. Elements of the Continuous Assessment may include, but are not limited to: Creation of an electronic glossary Giving and responding to instructions Production of a slideshow and audio commentary on student life Presenting work in progress and/or outcomes to peers Producing a newsletter, instruction manual, etc.Throughout the realisation of each task/project, students will be helped to reflect on the task they have just completed and on its outcomes with respect to language learning and the acquisition or development of transferable skills. The End of Semester Examination will require students to demonstrate their ability to reflect on their language learning experience and outcomes as well as to give evidence of the grammatical knowledge consolidated or acquired during the semester (e.g. noticing and controlling morphosyntactic and simple syntactic features, recognising word classes, selecting appropriate tense and aspect, etc.). They will also be expected to demonstrate their awareness of cultural differences between aspects of French speaking and Irish cultures.  
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Indicative Reading List
A wide range of authentic electronic/digital resources will be accessible via Moodle (http://moodle.dcu.ie). Students will also be encouraged to research and use authentic materials relevant to their projects and to interact with French native speakers whenever possible.
Learning Outcomes:On completion of this module, students will be able, through French, to:1) Language skills (Know-how & skill)Respond to instructions given orally or in writingExplain to others how to carry out simple and familiar procedures in a comprehensible and spontaneous mannerDescribe familiar settings and experience (e.g. campus, neighbourhood, town, etc.) orally and in writingInteract effectively with peers, face-to-face and on-line on matters relating to course activities and tasks situations (e.g. learning tasks, planning, monitoring and evaluating, etc.)Perform simple and effective oral presentations supported by good quality audiovisual aidsRead short texts on familiar topics (e.g. student life, academic context, notices, guidelines, etc.)Extract main points of short audio/video clips relating to above topics and recognise key words2) Intercultural competence (Competence)Notice social practice differences between Irish and French-speaking cultures in everyday situations (e.g. life on campus, educational settings, etc.)Notice registers as appropriate to different settings and environments (e.g. social & extra-curricular, classroom environment, on-line discussion forums, blogs, etc.)3) Transferable skills and learning to learn (Competence)Construct a glossary of new termsUse a broad range of technologies and digital resources to retrieve information and to produce content (e.g. electronic dictionaries, search engines, World Wide Web, forums, Word, PowerPoint, etc.)Critically appraise information retrieved from e-resources (e.g. wikipedia, blogs, university and student sites, etc.)Reflect on and communicate to others their language learning experience and outcomes
Programme or List of Programmes
ALISBA in Applied Language and Intercultural
BSSAStudy Abroad (DCU Business School)
BSSAOStudy Abroad (DCU Business School)
EBFBA in European Business (French)
ECSAStudy Abroad (Engineering & Computing)
ECSAOStudy Abroad (Engineering & Computing)
ENGLICBA Languages for Int. Communication(Eng)
HMSAStudy Abroad (Humanities & Soc Science)
HMSAOStudy Abroad (Humanities & Soc Science)
IBLFGBA in Inter. Business & Lang. (Fr/Ge)
IBLFSBA in Inter. Business & Lang. (Fr/Sp)
MAIOMA in International Organisations
MDEVMA in Development
MIRMA in International Relations
MISCMA in International Security & Conflict
SCIBSc Science International
SHSAStudy Abroad (Science & Health)
SHSAOStudy Abroad (Science & Health)