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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2009 - 2010

Module Title Multimedia Digital Video Production
Module Code CM558
School School of Communications

Online Module Resources

Module Co-ordinatorMr William TukeOffice NumberC127
Level 5 Credit Rating 10
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
The aim of the module is to introduce the students to the necessary technical and creative skills required to produce original video material for multimedia use.

Learning Outcomes
Students successfully completing the module should: * Possess a good grounding in digital video production and editing procedures for multimedia use. * Have a good working knowledge of modern Digital Video Camcorder operations and technologies. * Within a small team to research, produce and edit a short video project, including basic titling, superimpositions and effects for output to various media such as CD/DVD-ROM or Web environments.

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 0
Tutorials 0
Laboratories 0
Seminars 0
Independent Learning Time 150

Total 150
Assume that a 10 credit module load represents approximately 150 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
* Introduction to digital video: background information and technical considerations * Theories of Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production * Hardware and Software environments * Introduction to the DV Camcorder, components and technical details, handling, focusing, audio adjustments, handheld vs. tripod use, Piece To Camera, Vox Populi. * The production team, idea proposal and evaluation sessions with lecturer. * Introduction to the DV software editing environment - organising material, digitisation, allocation of memory, creating bins, project files, working with different file formats. * Editing basics - editing clips, working in the Timeline, adjusting audio, linking audio and video files, the Toolbar, adding transitions, basic titles, working in the Canvas and Viewer windows, use of Markers. * Advanced Editing techniques: Applying Superimpositions, Insert and Overwriting, basic green/blue screen chroma-keying, use of transparency, importing Photoshop files into the Timeline, use of keyframes, basic effects, applying specific effects to specific areas of a video clip, basic colour correction, animating images and effects over time. * Exporting movies - use of codecs, transfer to DV tape, CD, DVD-ROM and Web environments. Assessment: Complete relevant components: Assignment 1: Zero weighted Assignment 2: 100%
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Indicative Reading List
Barnow, Eric (1983), Documentary: A History of Non-Fiction Film Boyd, Andrew (1994), Broadcast Journalism Brenneis, Lisa (2003), Visual Quickpro Guide: Final Cut Pro 3 Chater, Kathy (1992), The Televison Researcher Guide Fraser, Cathie (1990), The Production Assistant Survival Guide Gates, Richard (1995), Production Management for Film and Video (2nd Ed.) Gaskill, Arthur & Englander, David A. (1985), How to Shoot a Movie Video Story Hesketh, Bernard & Yorke, Ivor (1993), An Introduction to ENG Lyver, Des (1995), Basics of Video Sound Lyver, Swainson, Graham (1995), Basics of Video Lighting Lyver, Swainson, Graham (1996), Basics of Video Production Millerson, Gerald (1989), Video Production Handbook Millerson, Gerald (1996), Lighting for Television and Film Millerson, Gerald (1994), Effective TV Production Rabiger, Michael (1989), Directing Film Techniques and Aesthetics Rabiger, Michael (1992), Directing the Documentary (2nd Ed.) Rosenthal, Alan (1995), Writing Docudrama Thompson, Roy (1993), Grammer of the Edit Yorke, Ivor (1995), Television News - 3rd Edition Ward, Peter (1996), Picture Composition Waynand, Diana (2004) Final Cut Express 2 (DVD-ROM included)
Programme or List of Programmes
MMMMSc Multimedia