Recommended Book Resources |
- Joyce, B & Weil, M 1996, Models of Teaching Allyn and Bacon
- Cohen, L , Mannion, R., Morrisson, K. 1996, A Guide to Teaching Practice (4th ed) London. Routledge
- Good & Brophy 1996, Looking in Classrooms (6th ed) New York: Harper Row
- Slavin, R 1994, Education Psychology Theory and Practice Boston. Allen and Bacon
- McIntyre & McLeod 1997, Investigations of Microteaching London: Addison Wesley
- Curzon, L.B. 1997, Teaching in Further Education (5th ed) London: Cassell
- Maykut, P and Moorehouse, R 1994, Beginning Qualitative Research: A Practical Guide London: Falmer Press
Supplementary Book Resources |
- Brown, A. and Dowling, Pl 1998, Doing Research/Reading Research: A Mode of Integration for Education London: Falmer Press
- Goodlad S, and Hirst, B. (eds), Explorations in Peer Tutoring, Basil Blackwell