Module Title |
Introduction to Children's Nursing
Module Code |
School |
School of Nursing and Human Sciences
Online Module Resources
Module Co-ordinator | Dr Tracey Harrington | Office Number | H265 |
Level |
Credit Rating |
Pre-requisite |
Co-requisite |
Module Aims
Drawing on students’ previous theoretical knowledge and clinical experiences this module will provide the students an understanding of the philosophical and theoretical foundations of children’s nursing and its application in practice. The module will also enable the students to use the nursing process to identify the needs of the child and their family and to develop clinical skills deemed essential for competent nursing care.
Learning Outcomes
Critically explore the historical, contemporary, political, social, economic, legal, professional, educational, cultural and international factors influencing that affected the evolution and development of the role of the children’s nurse and his/her role in various healthcare settings, including the community. Identify and critically analyse the philosophical and theoretical foundations of key concepts underpinning children’s nursing practice including children’s nursing models.Review current national and international child and family health issues, policies and initiatives and analyse the changing demographic trends in child healthcare, including debating current issues surrounding child protection and welfare of childrenCritically discuss the implications of illness / hospitalisation to the child and family and strategies to minimise same. Demonstrate the skills required in the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation the care for a child in hospital in partnership with the child and family.Critically explore the processes of physical, cognitive and psychosocial growth and importance of play and education in childhood. Develop self awareness through reflection of the impact of personal beliefs, values, attitudes and feelings and their impact on interpersonal skills. Discuss the principles of midwifery practice and evaluate the role of the midwife in pregnancy, childbirth and the post-natal period.
Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures |
Tutorials |
Laboratories |
Seminars |
Independent Learning Time |
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Assignments |
Assume that a 5 credit module load represents approximately 75 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.
Indicative Syllabus
Exploration of the evolution and development of the role of the childrens nurse in various healthcare settings, including the community..The philosophical and theoretical foundations of the key concepts underpinning childrens nursing practice (including childrens nursing models, Family Centred Care). Analyse the context of childrens nursing within current health care provision both nationally and internationally and analyse the changing demographic trends in child healthcare from hospital based care to community based care. Critically examine contemporary issues surrounding child protection and welfare of children.Impact of illness, disability and hospitalisation for children and familiesNursing assessment strategies care planning and delivery techniques and evaluation of care.Developmental milestones, Psychosocial, emotional, cognitive, moral and language development throughout the lifespan.Importance of play and education as a developmental and therapeutic activity.Safety issues in the hospital environment and other care settings.Discuss the nutritional needs of children, principles of feeding infants, toddlers and children, elimination, sleep patterns and personal hygiene in childhood.Develop age appropriate interpersonal, cross cultural communication techniques and skills essential for therapeutic relationships with children and their families.Reflect on the importance of interdisciplinary communication, collaboration and contributionsExplore the use of the reflective process in childrens nursing.Models and principles of midwifery practice and factors affecting foetal and maternal health and wellbeing.
Assessment | Continuous Assessment | 100% | Examination Weight | 0% |
Indicative Reading List
Glasper, E.A. and Richardson, J. (2006) A Textbook of Children's Nursing. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.Keenan, T. (2001) An Introduction to Child Development. London, Sage Publications. National Children’s Office (2004) Ready, Steady, Play! A National Play Policy. The Stationary Office, DublinTrigg E. and Mohammed, T. (ed.) (2006) Practices in Children’s Nursing: Guidelines for Hospital and Community. London: Churchill LivingstonUnited Nations (1989) Convention on the Rights of the Child. Rofle, Freshwater& Jasper (2001) Critical Reflection for nursing and the helping professions, a users guide. Palgrave Macmillian: Hampshire.Foley, P., Roche, J. and Tucker, S. (2000) Children in Society: Contemporary theory, policy and practice. Palgrave Macmillan: London. Arnold E. and Boggs K.U. (2003) Interpersonal Relationships. 4th ed. WBSaunders, Philadelphia. Sweet B. (1996) Mayes Midwifery: a textbook for midwives 12th Edition. WB Saunders. London.. Bee H. and Boyd D. (2004) The Developing Child. 10th ed. Pearson Education Inc, Boston.Beaver M., Brewster J., Jones P., Keane A., Neaum S. & Tallack J. (1999) Babies and Young Children Book 1: Early Years Development. 2nd ed. Stanley Thornes (Publishers) Ltd. Cheltenham.Department of Health and Children (1999) Children First: National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children. The Stationery Office, Dublin.Dowling, M. (2000) Young Children’s Personal, Social and Emotional Development Paul Chapman Publishing: London.Haddon, M. (2003) The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night. Vintage: LondonHolyoak, D. (2002) Discussing Child and Adolescent Nursing. London: APS Publishing Hockenberry, M. J. (2003) Wong’s Nursing Care of Infants and Children. 7th edition. London: Mosby.Immunisation Advisory Committee Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (2002) Immunisation Guidelines for Ireland 2002 Edition. Immunisation Advisory Committee Royal College of Physicians of Ireland.National Obesity Task Force (2005) Obesity; The Political Challenges. National Taskforce on Obesity. Scarlett, W.G Al-Solaim, L. Naudeau, S. Salonius Pasternak, D. and Ponte, I. (2004) Children’s Play London: Sage Publications.Slee, P.T. (2002) Child, Adolescent and Family Development. 2nd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Government of Ireland (1991) The Child Care Act. Dublin: Stationary OfficeGovernment of Ireland (1998) Protection of Persons Reporting Child Abuse Act. Dublin: Stationary OfficeJanis, M., Kay, R. & Bradley, A. (2000) European Human Rights Law Text andMaterials, Oxford: Oxford University Press.WHO (2006) Nutrition in Adolescence-Issues and Challenges for the Health Sector Health/New_Publications/ADH/ISBN_92_4_1591366_0.pdfWHO (2006) Sexually Transmitted Infections, Issues in Adolescent Health and Development Health/New_Publications/ADH/ISBN_92_4_159142 0.pdfStudents will be directed to specific children’s books within the moduleJournals Students will be directed to specific journal articles within the module
Summary Information for Transcript of Training: In this module students explore the physical and psychological development of the child along the age continuum in the context of child health and wellness. The principles and theoretical underpinnings of family centred care are examined. The module will introduce students to current national and international child and family health issues, policies and initiatives and the changing demographic trends in child healthcare. National and international health and social services available to the child and family in will be discuss in relation to access, entitlements and provisions. Students will also reflect upon the implications of illness/hospitalisation to the child and family and strategies to minimise same. This module also provides an introduction to communicating with children and reflection.
Programme or List of Programmes
PRCN | Higher Diploma in Childrens Nursing |
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