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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2005 - 2006

Module Title Physics of Modern Technologies 2
Module Code PS130
School School of Physical Sciences

Online Module Resources

Module Co-ordinatorDr Eamonn CunninghamOffice NumberN137
Level 1 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
Most physics courses develop the principles of physics first and delay the search for real-life examples of these principles until later. This course will start with everyday objects and technologies and look within them for the scientific principles involved. This module is an introduction to the scientific basis of modern technologies. This course considers objects from our daily environment and focus on their principles of operation, histories, and relationships to one another. This module is concerned primarily with mechanical, optical and thermal objects. Emphasis will be placed on conceptual issues, order of magnitude estimates, and dimensional analysis.

Learning Outcomes
An understanding and appreciation for the concepts and principles of physics and science by finding them within specific objects of everyday experience. After taking this module the student should be able to: 7 perform simple numerical calculations and carry out order of magnitude estimates. 7 understand the physics behind modern technologies. 7 begin to see Physics in everyday life. 7 develop and expand their physical intuition.

Indicative Time Allowances
Independent Learning Time 75

Total 75
Assume that a 5 credit module load represents approximately 75 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
Technologies: Electronic Air Cleaners,Photocopiers, Magnetic Levitation, Batteries, Electric Motor. Physical Principles: Electric charge, electric forces, electric potential. Magnetic poles, magnetic forces, induction, electric current, resistance. D.C. Electricity, A.C. Electricity Technologies: Radio, Television, Microwave Oven, Microwave Communications. Fibre Communications Physical Principles: EM-spectrum, EM-waves, speed of light, amplitude modulation, frequency modulation Physical Principles: Atoms, Molecules and Bonding, Structure of Solids, Semiconductors, Superconductors Applications: Diodes, Transistors, Integrated Circuits, Liquid-Crystal Displays, High Temperature Superconductors. Technologies: Nuclear reactors, Medical Imaging. Physical Principles: X-Rays, Nuclear structure, Radioactivity, Fission, Fusion
Continuous Assessment25% Examination Weight75%
Indicative Reading List
Essential: How Things Work: The Physics of Everyday Life. (Edition 2nd), Louis A Bloomfield, Wiley and Sons, 2001 Supplementary: Physics-Foundation , Jim Breithaupt, MacMillan, 1991
Programme or List of Programmes
CABSc in Computer Applications