Module Title |
Nanotechnology and Surface Analysis
Module Code |
School |
School of Physical Sciences
Online Module Resources
Level |
Credit Rating |
Pre-requisite |
Co-requisite |
Module Aims
Nanotechnology has become an important focus of today's scientific research and has attracted enormous attention even from the public. This module will serve to introduce the students to this interdisciplinary field, stimulate their interest and get them better prepared for tomorrow's "nano" world.
This modeule is divided into two sections. In the first half of the module the student will be presented with an overview of the experimental techniques used in research and industry to invesitgate the electronic, chemical and structural properties of surfaces and interfaces.
The aim of the nanotechnology component of this course is to introduced the student to different aspects of active research on next generation nanometre scale devices. Topics will range from new device concepts that take advantage of quantum mechanical phenomena on the nanometer scale nanofabrication technology that enables the creation of nanostructures with ever decreasing feature dimensions. The module aims to exploring some of these technologies, with emphasis on various topics such as nanolithography techniques, self-assembly, fullerene and nanotube devices and molecular electronics.
Learning Outcomes
On completing this course the student should have:
1) A strong foundation in the fundamental physical principles underlying various aspects of nanotechnology and surface and analysis.
2) a detailed understanding of the techniques used to investigate the physical, chemical and structural properties of surfaces and interfaces.
3) A broad awareness of the current applications of nanotechnology in research and industry.
Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures |
Tutorials |
Laboratories |
Seminars |
Independent Learning Time |
Total |
Placements |
Assignments |
Assume that a 0 credit module load represents approximately 75 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.
Indicative Syllabus
Surface Analysis (12 lectures + 3 tutorials):
Surface Crystallography of metals and semiconductors, Surface reconstruction and relaxation. UHV instrumentation, Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). An introdution to the principles and application of the following techniques X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES), Low Energy Electron Difraction (LEED), Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction (RHEED).
Nanotechnology (12 lectures + 3 tutorials):
Nanotechnology fundamentals and principles, Quantum Wires and Dots, Molecular electronics, Fullerenes and nanotube (structure and devices), Nano-fabrication (lithography, Self-Assembly, Contact-imprinting). MEMS, Bio-electronics.
Assessment | Continuous Assessment | 25% | Examination Weight | 75% |
Indicative Reading List
Nanotechnology Gregory Timp (editor)
Scanning Probe Microscopy R. Wiesendanger (editor)Surface Analysis J.C. Vickerman (editor)
Surfaces and Interfaces in Solids, H. Luth
Programme or List of Programmes
AP | BSc in Applied Physics |
BSSA | Study Abroad (DCU Business School) |
BSSAO | Study Abroad (DCU Business School) |
ECSA | Study Abroad (Engineering & Computing) |
ECSAO | Study Abroad (Engineering & Computing) |
HMSA | Study Abroad (Humanities & Soc Science) |
HMSAO | Study Abroad (Humanities & Soc Science) |
SHSA | Study Abroad (Science & Health) |
SHSAO | Study Abroad (Science & Health) |
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