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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2019 - 2020

Module Title Advanced School Placement
Module Code ES539
School 78

Online Module Resources

Module Co-ordinatorDr Brendan WalshOffice NumberCA122
NFQ level 9 Credit Rating 30
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Compatibles None
Incompatibles None

Students on this module are introduced to advanced skills across the field of pedagogy in their subject specialism and undertake a supervised school placement which includes 12 weeks in a post-primary school. They are further required to critically engage with this period of placement from an practitioner research standpoint with a view to generating an original, practice focus research report.

Learning Outcomes

1. Recognise and validate a coherent commitment to the required professional standards of the Teaching Council of Ireland
2. Demonstrate a high level of professional competence in the design and construction of subject specific post primary Schemes of Work, Lesson Plans, Evaluations and Reflective Learning Journals
3. Synthesise specific subject mastery knowledge, understanding and skills acquired in teaching methodology modules and apply them appropriately to classroom practice in both teaching subject areas
4. Differentiate between and utilise Assessment for Learning (AfL)- Formative assessment and Assessment of Learning (AoL)- Summative assessment as appropriate in teaching subject(s)
5. Integrate and implement cooperative learning strategies into the School Experience and Professional Practice placement as appropriate in teaching subject(s) and in the overall school experience
6. Appraise classroom practice and overall school experience as both a Reflective and Reflexive practitioner and generate meaningful and purposeful reflective evaluations as part of a Professional Portfolio.
7. Integrate appropriate ICT tools to support and scaffold various teaching methodologies in teaching subject(s)
8. Select, conceptualise and organise a researchable post primary educational concept
9. Design, formulate and complete a Major Practice related professional research dissertation(10,000 words).
10. Articulate a clear commitment to the implementation of school policies as required by legislation, with specific reference to child protection, the ethos of inclusion and diversity, social and cultural background and level of intellectual ability of post primary students
11. Determine areas of particular professional interest as a life-long learner evidenced by a commitment to further study and professional investigation
12. Judiciously apply knowledge of social and psychological processes, such as categorization, coordination, communication, and participating in learning groups and classroom environments , to design and evaluate teaching and learning activities
13. Demonstrate competency in promoting numeracy and literacy in classroom teaching.

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Seminars10Induction to Placement
Professional Practice150Classroom Teaching
Independent Study200Preparation Evaluation Independent Study
Professional Practice378Observation Tutorial Team Teaching
Online activity12Research Training
Total Workload: 750

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Underpinning theories of teaching and learning
Further exploration of traditional and new approaches to pedagogy.

Advanced Teaching Strategies
The procedures involved in structuring various advanced strategies for use in a classroom context.

Adapting to individual difference and specific student need
Adaptation of teaching to cater for inclusion of pupils with diverse needs

Teacher as Researcher
Student teachers become participant observers and researhcers

Micro Teaching
Practising and researching teaching strategies in a peer coaching context

Online Collaborative Research Network
Collaborating in an online environment to offer a peer reviewed critique of use of teaching strategies

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Reassessment Requirement
Resit arrangements are explained by the following categories;
1 = A resit is available for all components of the module
2 = No resit is available for 100% continuous assessment module
3 = No resit is available for the continuous assessment component
Indicative Reading List

  • Cohen,L. & Mannion,R. & Morrisson, K.: 2001, A Guide To Teaching Practice, 5th, Routledge, London,
  • Murphy, D., Walker, R. & Webb, G.: 2001, Online Learning and Teaching With Technology, Kogan Page, London,
  • Reece, I. & Walker, S.: 2003, Teaching, Training and Learning a practical guide, 5, Business Education Publishers, Sunderland,
  • Ann Lambros: 2004, Problem-based learning in middle and high school classrooms, Corwin Press, Thousand Oaks, Calif., 0761938478
  • Walsh, B. & Dolan, R.: 2009, A Guide to Teaching Practice in Ireland, Gill and MacMillan, Dublin, 9780717145119
  • Geoffrey E. Mills: 2000, Action research, Merrill, Upper Saddle River, N.J., 0137720475
  • Gerry McNamara, Joe O'Hara: 2008, Trusting schools and teacher, P. Lang, New York, 0820486388
  • Chris Kyriacou,: 0, Effective Teaching in Schools, 1408504235
  • Judith Bell: 2010, Doing your research project, Open University Press / McGraw Hill, Maidenhead, 0335235824
  • Katherine E. Ryan, Dr. J. Bradley Cousins,: 0, The SAGE International Handbook of Educational Evaluation, 9781412940689
  • Donald A. Schon: 1983, The reflective practitioner, Basic Books, New York, 0465068782
  • Professor Tony Bush (Editor), Professor Les Bell (Editor), David Middlewood (Editor): 0, The Principles of Educational Leadership & Management, 1848602103
  • Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion, Keith Morrison,: 0, Research Methods in Education, 0415583365
Other Resources

28717, Website, Department of Education and Science 2009, 2009, Curriculum, Syllabus and Teaching Guides: Junior Cert, http://www.education.ie/home/home.jsp?pcategory=17216&ecategory=17317&language=E N, 28718, Website, Department of Education and Science, 2009, Curriculum, Syllabus and Teaching Guides: Leaving Cert, http://www.education.ie/home/home.jsp?pcategory=17216&ecategory=17233&language=E N,
Programme or List of Programmes
PMEProfessional Master of Education