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Academic Structures

Programme Academic Structure for 2024 - 2025, Professional Master of Education

This information is provisional & subject to change.

Year 1 Core Modules:

CodeTitleCreditSemesterExam %CA %Resit Category
ES538Professional Placement25Year long01002
ES544Schooling and Society5Semester 201001
ES546Curriculum Development and Evaluation5Semester 201001
ES556Philosophy of Education5Semester 201001
HD591Restorative Justice for a Contemplative Ed:5Semester 101001
HD594Human Div: Being a Teacher of All Students5Semester 101001
SG901Teaching in Online & Blended L Env5Semester 101001

Year 1 Optional Modules -

CodeTitleCreditSemesterExam %CA %Resit Category
ES562Teaching and Learning in English Education5Year long01001
ES563Teaching & Learning in Mathematics Education5Year long01001
ES564Modhanna Teagaisc Speisialta sa Ghaeilge5Year long01001
ES566Teaching and Learning in Geography Education5Year long01001
ES567Teaching and Learning in Religious Education5Year long01001
ES571Teaching and Learning in History Education5Year long01001
ES572Teaching and Learning in Science Education5Year long01001
ES574Teaching and Learning in Music Education5Year long01001
HD592Teaching & Learning in Business Studies Ed5Year long01001
HD596Teaching & Learning in Citizenship Education5Year long01001
LC577Teaching and Learning in Language Education5Year long01001
SG902Teaching and Learning in Computer Science5Year long01001

Year 2 Core Modules:

CodeTitleCreditSemesterExam %CA %Resit Category
ES519History of Education in Ireland5Semester 101001
ES539Professional Placement25Year long01002
ES590Extended Research Project15Year long01001
HD518Psychology of Teaching & Learning5Year long01001
HD595Fostering Creativity and Innovation5Semester 101001

Year 2 Optional Modules -

CodeTitleCreditSemesterExam %CA %Resit Category
ES562ATeaching and Learning in English Education5Year long01001
ES563ATeaching & Learning in Mathematics Education5Year long01001
ES564AModhanna Teagaisc Speisialta sa Gaeilge5Year long01001
ES566ATeaching and Learning in Geography Education5Year long01001
ES567ATeaching and Learning in Religious Education5Year long01001
ES571ATeaching and Learning in History Education5Year long01001
ES572ATeaching and Learning in Science Education5Year long01001
ES574ATeaching and Learning in Music Education5Year long01001
HD592ATeaching & Learning in Business Ed5Year long01001
HD593Teaching & Learning in SPHE5Year long01001
HD596ATeaching & Learning in Citizenship Education5Year long01001
LC577ATeaching and Learning in Language Education5Year long01001
SG902ATeaching and Learning in Computer Science5Year long01001
UM405Uaneen Non-Contributing Module5Year long01001

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