Module Specifications
Archived Version 2020 - 2021
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Description A module which provides students with an introduction to computer hardware and software, how to plan and design websites, use client side web development technologies such as Javascript, HTML5 and CSS and develop via the server-side language Python. Students will learn the fundamental principles of programming. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Learning Outcomes 1. Describe the elements of computer hardware and computer software. 2. Describe the underlying technology and techniques of the Internet. 3. Describe the evolution of Multimedia in a digital environment. 4. Critique internet design issues and methods. 5. Plan, design and develop a web-site using HTML5, JavaScript and CSS. 6. Demonstrate error handling and validation via JavaScript. 7. Apply the key constructions of programming, namely Sequence, Iteration and Selection. 8. Demonstrate how interactive media can be used as part of Internet-based solutions. 9. Generate web pages using the Python programming language on Jupyter Notebook. 10. Build and modify web interfaces using Python and HTML forms. 11. Apply good programming practice in relation to web security, debugging, quality assurance, coding standards and documentation. 12. Analyse Search Engine Optimisation techniques. 13. Demonstrate how to optimise a website for mobile devices. 14. Teach programming fundamentals to others | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: |
Indicative Content and
Learning Activities Introduction to Computer Hardware, Computer Software and Digitial Multimedia.________________________________________________________________________________________________Unit 1: Computer HardwareIntroduction; Strategic Hardware Issues ; Computer Hierarchy; Input and Output Technologies; The Central Processing Unit .Unit 2: Computer SoftwareIntroduction to Software; Software Issues; Systems Software; Application Software.Unit 3: Digital MultimediaText; Graphics; Video; Animation; Audio.WEB TECHNOLOGY FOUNDATIONSWeb Technology Foundations.Unit 4: Planning a Website What is a WebsiteEffective Website Design Requirements; Practical Steps for Planning a Website; Deciding on Website Content ; Designing The Website, Organising The Website.Unit 5: Internet Design Issues and MethodsDesign Methods; Evaluation Principles; Considerations; Web Site Promotion.Unit 6: Client-Side Web Development Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)HTML Basics; Nesting Elements; Closing Tags; Lists; Links; Relative and Absolute Addressing; IFrame Tag; Images; View Source and Element Inspector.Unit 7: HTML5 IntroductionBrowser Support; Getting Started; New Features; Drawing Elements; Media Elements; Forms; Semantic/Structural Elements; Apis.Unit 8: Cascading Style Sheets What is CSSHow Css Came About; Internal Style Sheets; External Style Sheets; Inline Styles; Css Comments; Css Indentation; Css Id Selector; Css Class Selector; Css Background Properties; Css Text Properties; Css Font Properties; Css List Properties; Styling Links With Css; Further Reading.Unit 9: Cascading Style Sheets 3 (CSS3)Background Images; CSS3 Gradients; CSS3 Text Effects; CSS3 2D Transforms; CSS3 3D Transforms; CSS3 Transitions; CSS3 Animations; CSS3 Multiple Columns.Unit 10: Programming with JavaScript IntroductionOutput; Statements; Comments; Variables; Data Types; Objects; Functions; Scope Of A Variable; Local Variables; Global Variables; Operators; Arithmetic Operators; Assignment Operators; Comparison Operators; Logical Operators; Conditional Statements; Loops; For Loop; For…In Loop; While Loop; Do While Loop.Unit 11: JavaScript - Error Handling and Validation Types of ErrorSyntax Error; Runtime Error; Logic Error; Error Handling; Try Catch; Throw; Form Validation.Unit 12: JavaScript Advanced ObjectCreating Objects In JavaScript; Adding A Method To An Object In JavaScript; Looping Through The Properties Of An Object; String Object; Number Object; Date Object; Array Object; Boolean Object; Math Object.Unit 13: Interactive Multimedia InteractivityActive Documents; Scripting Languages; Rich Multimedia Clientside Technologies; Advanced Web Technologies.Unit 15: Introduction to Programming Python.Python Indentations ; Variables ; Numbers ; Casting ; Strings ; Operators (Arithmetic, Assignment, Comparison, Logical, Identity, Membership, Bitwise) ; Python Collections (Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries) ; Conditional Statements (If...Else, Elif, Single line if statement, Single line if..else statement) ; Loops (While Loops, For Loops, Nested Loops) ; Functions ; Printing with no newlines ; How to Accept User Input and Display the Output ; Lambda ; Arrays ; Modules ; RegEx (Regular Expressions) ; PIP | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Indicative Reading List
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Other Resources None | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Programme or List of Programmes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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