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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2021 - 2022

Module Title
Module Code

Online Module Resources

NFQ level 9 Credit Rating 10
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Compatibles None
Incompatibles None

This weekly two-hour seminar and workshop is led by Aingeala Flannery. In it, you will write prose, typically fiction, to be discussed with the convenor and other students. The fundamentals of prose writing will form the basis of the course materials: narrative voice, character, narrative, plot, dialogue, setting. There will be opportunities for students to receive feedback on developing prose. The module is assessed through the submission of a work of prose (a short story or extract from a fully-synopsized longer piece) of around 5,000 words.

Learning Outcomes

1. Have an informed knowledge of and opinion about key fictionist strategies.
2. Understand the potential architectures of fictions and their creative possibilities
3. Analyse and evaluate different implications of stylistic choices
4. Understand the importance of drafting and revision in the writing process
5. Understand how to relate theory to practice
6. Demonstrate sensitivity to language, structure and character as phenomena of narration

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Total Workload: 0

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment% Examination Weight%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Reassessment Requirement
Resit arrangements are explained by the following categories;
1 = A resit is available for all components of the module
2 = No resit is available for 100% continuous assessment module
3 = No resit is available for the continuous assessment component
Indicative Reading List

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