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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2009 - 2010

Module Title Advanced Criminal Law
Module Code LG130
School School of Law & Government

Online Module Resources

Module Co-ordinatorDr. Yvonne DalyOffice NumberC226
Level 1 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
This module aims: - to build upon the understanding of the criminal law and the criminal justice system which students will have acquired in the Foundations of Criminal Law module; - to teach students about the theories of crime and punishment, as well as theories which focus on the development of the criminal justice system; - to provide a deeper analysis of the development of particular criminal offences and the methods of addressing such offences, through the study of case-law and legislation, as well as the application of criminological theories; - to teach students about the punishments available for criminal offences and the changing emphasis on such punishments which has occurred from time to time, again with reference to case-law and legislation, as well as societal influences and theory.

Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module the student will be able to: - describe and critically assess the basis of criminal liability, selected offences and selected defences to criminal charges - discuss the main criminological and criminal justice theories; - account for many of the changes in the criminalisation and punishment of certain activities in Ireland (and other jurisdictions); - apply criminological and criminal justice theories to the development of the Irish criminal justice system, with reference to relevant case-law, legislation and societal influences; - and, apply case-law and legislation, as well as theory, to criminal law problems.

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 24
Independent Learning Time 51

Total 75
Assume that a 5 credit module load represents approximately 75 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
Criminological and Criminal Justice Theories: - Feminist criminology, Radical and Critical criminology, Environmental criminology, Packer's Crime Control and Due Process models, Criminal Justice as Politics, Late-modern theories of criminal justice (managerialism/privatisation/control). Societal reaction to crime, crime and the media, politics and crime. Advanced mens rea and actus reus : A deeper look at the basis of criminal liability than that carried out in Foundations of Criminal Law, including discussion of modern - day issues such as the criminalisation of transmitting sexually transmitted diseases: intention, recklessness, negligence Advanced Defences: -Focus on the defence of Provocation, including Battered Wives Syndrine -Focus on the defence of Self-Defence, including the defeince of the home Advanced Offences: -Sexual Offences: crisis in relation to statutory rape: CC v Ireland, Criminal Justice (Sexual Offences) Act, 2006, Criminal Justice (Sexual Offences) Amendment Act, 2007 -Terrorism and the response of the criminal law - an analysis of modern-day criminal law responses to the increased threat of terrorism both in this jurisdiction and others. -Murder and Manslaughter: advanced analysis of the need for change in this area and related issues such as gun and knife crime Development of Irish criminal justice system and criminal law: - criminalisation and de-criminalisation of certain offences (homosexuality, contraception, syringe offences, rape as a gendered offence); - changes in trial and punishment (victim impact statements, juvenile justice, compensation orders); - moves away from reliance on criminal law (e.g. Criminal Assets Bureau, ASBOs). Within this module there will also be an opportunity for students to participate in a tour of Mountjoy Prison.
Continuous Assessment30% Examination Weight70%
Indicative Reading List
Core - Maguire, Morgan and Reiner (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, 4th edition, Oxford: OUP 2007 - O’Mahony (ed.), Criminal Justice in Ireland, Dublin: Institute of Public Administration, 2002 - Walsh, Criminal Procedure, Dublin: Thomson Round Hall, 2002 - Charleton, McDermott and Bolger, Criminal Law, Dublin: Butterworths, 1999 - Lecture notes and links to relevant journal articles, case-law and websites will be available on the DCU Moodle page for this module. - Students should also regularly refer to relevant journals, such as the Irish Criminal Law Journal, the Judicial Studies Institute Journal, and the British Journal of Criminology. Supplementary - Hale, Hayward, Wahidin and Wincup, Criminology, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2009 - Smith and Hogan, Criminal Law: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. London: Oxford University Press, 2009 - Lanier, The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Criminology and Criminal Justice, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006 - Nicola and Wells, Reconstructing Criminal Law, 3rd Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2003 - O’Donnell and O’Sullivan, Crime Control in Ireland: The Politics of Intolerance, Cork University Press, 2001 - Garland, The Culture of Control :Crime and Social Order in Contemporary Society, Oxford: OUP, 2001 - Pavlich, Critique and Radical Discourses on Crime, Aldershot: Ashgate Dartmouth, 2000 - Bibbings and Nicolson, Feminist Perspectives on Criminal Law, Routledge UK, 2000 - Bacik and O’Connell (eds.), Crime and Poverty in Ireland, Dublin; Round Hall, 1998 - Nicola and Wells, Reconstructing Criminal Law, 2nd Edition, Butterworths UK, 1998 - Daly and Maher (eds.), Criminology at the Crossroads : Feminist Readings in Crime and Justice, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998 - O’Mahony, Criminal Chaos, Dublin: Round Hall, 1996 - Fennell, Crime and Crisis in Ireland, Cork University Press, 1993 - Packer, The Limits of the Criminal Sanction, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1967 - Some useful electronic resources are: Justis, WestLaw IE, FirstLaw, LexisNexis, www.bailii.org, www.irishstatutebook.ie, www.lawreform.ie, www.courts.ie, www.echr.coe.int
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