Module Title |
Applied Market Research
Module Code |
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Online Module Resources
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Module Aims
To provide students with a complete understanding of the methods and techniques involved in Market Research. Students will become familiar with all stages of the Market Research process from initial problem definition through to presentation of final results.
Learning Outcomes
. An understanding of the role of Market Research in marketing, general business and social science settings.7 A solid grounding in the theory and process behind Market Research 7 A working knowledge of a statistical package to analyse data (SPSS). 7 Application through a full Market Research project conducted in groups.
Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures |
Tutorials |
Laboratories |
Seminars |
Independent Learning Time |
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Placements |
Assignments |
Assume that a 5 credit module load represents approximately 75 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.
Indicative Syllabus
Indicative SyllabusAn overview of Marketing Research:Introduction, definitions and uses of market research, the process involved in researching a market. Ethical behaviour in conducting research. The Research Approach:Problem definition, types of information needed, alternative research designs available. Secondary Data Collection:Using the Internet, Internal and external sources of secondary data, sources of secondary data in Ireland, Primary Data Collection I - Qualitative Design & Analysis:Qualitative Research Techniques - observation, focus groups, depth interviews and projective techniques.Approaches to analysis, knowing your data, coding and the analytical process. Primary Data Collection II - Quantative Design:Interviewing, panels and omnibuses. Sampling:Sampling theory, probability and non-probability samples. Measuring Attitudes: Importance of attitudinal data. Comparative and non-comparative scaling. Questionnaire Design: Question content, wording and order. Design, layout and appearance of the questionnaire, Managing The Research Project:Organising and briefing your fieldworkers, beginning data imputing, checking progress. Analysing Quantitative Data:Descriptive statistics, cross-tabulations, multi-variate analysis. Communicating and Reviewing Your Findings:Presentations and Report Writing. NB: All topics listed will be covered in class lectures. Where there are 2 hr lectures, additional case study discussions will take place. In addition, pending final student numbers, weeks 10-11 may be rescheduled to accommodate student presentations of their assignment. Accordingly, this descriptor is subject to re-organisation at the lecturer''''''''''''''''s discretion.
Assessment | Continuous Assessment | 100% | Examination Weight | 0% |
Indicative Reading List
Yvonne McGivern, 2003. The Practice of Market and Social Research. An Introduction. Prentice Hall Financial Times, Harlow Essex. Bryman, A. (2001), Social Research Methods, Oxford University Press.Bryman, A., and Cramer, A. (1997), Quantitative Data Analysis with SPSS for Windows: A Guide for Social Scientists, Routledge.Chisnall, P.M. (1992), Marketing Research, McGraw Hill.Churchill, G.A. (1987), Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations 4/e, Dryden Press.Domegan, Christine and Declan Fleming, (1999), Marketing Research in Ireland: Theory and Practice, Gill and Macmillan, Dublin. Malhotra, N., (1999) Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation, 3rd Ed., Prentice-Hall.Alan T. Shao, 1999. Marketing Research: An Aid to Decision Making, International Thompson Publishing, Ohio. of these has changed and some new additions
Programme or List of Programmes
EBF | BA in European Business (French) |
EBG | BA in European Business (German) |
EBS | BA in European Business (Spanish) |
EBT | BA in European Business (Trans.Studies) |
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