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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2020 - 2021

Module Title Developing a Research Perspective
Module Code ES323
School 78

Online Module Resources

Module Co-ordinatorDr Justin RamiOffice NumberCA114
NFQ level 8 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Compatibles None
Incompatibles None

The purpose of this module is to introduce participants to research perspectives in the humanities and social science context, with a special focus on educational research. Through lectures, group work and independent study the students will develop a perspective on the nature and scope of differing research traditions and philosophies. This context and theory will enable them to begin to apply some of this knowledge in work based and case study situations The range of theories that are introduced are expected to be expanded upon by the students during independent learning periods.

Learning Outcomes

1. Develop a more informed perspective to bear on the reading and interpretation of research.
2. Analyse important research emerging in a methods used in a particular area of education and training provision and in the wider area of the social sciences.
3. Describe the relationship between research and policy in practice in a professional context.
4. List and describe a range of research approaches particularly practitioner/constructivist approaches.
5. Describe a range of research designs.
6. Identify a range of research methodologies and instruments.

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Lecture24No Description
Online activity40No Description
Independent Study20No Description
Assignment Completion26No Description
Independent Study15No Description
Total Workload: 125

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Theme 1. What is research?

Theme 2 What are paradigms?

Theme 3. Developing a research perspective

Theme 4. The Philosophy and History of Research

Theme 5. Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Theme 6. Action Research

Theme 7.Literature Review

Theme 8 Reseach Methods,Research Tools and Instruments.

Theme 9: Data Gathering & Analysis

Theme 10: Ethics in Research

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Reassessment Requirement
Resit arrangements are explained by the following categories;
1 = A resit is available for all components of the module
2 = No resit is available for 100% continuous assessment module
3 = No resit is available for the continuous assessment component
Indicative Reading List

  • ': 0, Bell, J 1999, Essential: Bell, J. (1999) Doing your Research Project. 3rd Edition O.U. PressSilverman, D (ed) (1997) Qualitative Research: Theory, Methods and Practice. London: SageMayut, P. and Moorehouse,R. (1994) Beginning Qualitative Research: A Philo,
  • Denzin, Norman K; Lincoln, Yvonna S: 2000, The SAGE handbook of qualitative research, 0761927573, 9780761927570
  • Michael Quinn Patton: 2002, Qualitative research & evaluation methods, Sage Publications, London, 0761919716, 9780761919711
  • Pugsley, Lesley; Welland, Trevor: 0, Ethical dilemmas in qualitative research, 75461350X, 9780754613503
  • Uwe Flick: 2009, An introduction to qualitative research, 1847873243, 1847873235, 9781847873231
  • Yin, Robert: 1993, Applications of case study research, 0803951191, 0803951183, 9780803951198
  • Creswell, John W: 2009, Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches, Sage, 41296556X, 1412965578, 9781412965569
  • Margaret Farren, Jack Whitehead, Branko Bognar: 0, Action research in the educational workplace, 1936320053, 9781936320059
  • McNiff, Jean; Whitehead, Jack: 2009, Doing and writing action research, 1847871747, 1847871755, 9781847871756
  • Fetterman, David M: 1984, Ethnography in educational evaluation, 0803922531, 0803922523, 9780803922532
  • Robert E Stake: 1995, The art of case study research, 0803957661, 9780803957664
  • heodore Abramson, Carol Kehr Tittle, Lee Cohen: 0, Handbook of vocational education evaluation, 0803910789, 9780803910782
  • Aspinwall, Kath: 1992, Managing evaluation in education: a developmental approach, 0415080436, 9780415080439
  • William Wiersma: 2000, Research methods in education: an introduction, 0205284922, 9780205284924
  • John A; Howard, Keith: 1996, The management of a student research project, 056607706X, 9780566077067
  • O'Leary, Zina: 2009, The essential guide to doing your research project, 1848600119, 9781848600119
  • Schostak, John F: 2002, Understanding, designing, and conducting qualitative research in education: framing the project, 0335205100, 0335205097, 9780335205097
  • Walliman, Nicholas; Baiche, Bousmaha: 2001, Your research project: a step-by-step guide for the first-time researcher, 0761965386, 0761965394, 9780761965381
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