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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2006 - 2007

Module Title Bioanalytical Practicals I
Module Code BE353
School School of Biotechnology

Online Module Resources

Module Co-ordinatorDr Brid QuiltyOffice NumberX208
Level 3 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
This module aims:·To provide students with a good practical 'hands-on' experience of a sequential multistep protein purification scheme.·To provde a detailed understanding of the methods used in practical immumology.·To train students in practical analytical microbiology, particularly in regard to analysis of food and water samples and to introduce basic methods in microbial fermentation.

Learning Outcomes
Students will attain:·Practical experience of a sequential 'multistep' protein purification scheme.·Working knowledge of ion-exchange and gel filtration chromatography. ·Practical experience of the isolation and analysis of antibodies.·Introduction to some basic antibody-based analytical methods.·Basic practical experience of HPLC analysis.·Technical ability to carry out batch and continuous microbial culture.·Ability to undertake microbial analsyis of food and water samples.

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 0
Tutorials 3
Laboratories 72
Seminars 0
Independent Learning Time 0

Total 75
Assume that a 5 credit module load represents approximately 75 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
·Assay for lyzozyme activity and protein·Preparation of crude lyzozyme from egg-white·Salt precipitation of lyzozyme by gel-filtration chromatography on sephadex G-100 ·Purification of ''partially-purified'' lyzozyme by cation-exchange chromatography·Concentration of lyzozyme by reverse dialysis using solid polyethylene glycol·Analysis of lyzozyme fractions by native and SDS Polyacrylamide electrophoresis·Analysis of lyzozyme fractions and standards by Isoelectric focusing·Isolation of antibodies - salt precipitation,estimation of recoveries and yields·Isoelectric focusing- analysis of standards,serum and antibody fractions·Immunoelectrophoresis - analysis of standards,serum and antibody fractions·Measurement of antibody levels by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)·Computer learning system for teaching the use of HPLC and its applications·Techniques to prepare and analyse samples for the HPLC analysis of drugs·Determination of molar growth yield in batch and continuous microbial fermentation·Food microbiology - analysis of samples by pour plates and spread plates·Water microbiology - analysis of samples by MPN and membrane filtration
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Indicative Reading List
Essential: ·'Protein purification and analysis' 3rd year practical manual·'Microbiology' 3rd year practical manual·'Immunology' 3rd year practical manualSupplementary: ·'Protein purification methods'by Harris and Angal (Oxford,1990)·'Practical Immunology' by Hudson and Hay (Blackwell,1994)·'Laboratory Methods in Food and Dairy Microbiology' by Harigan & McCrance·'Sourcebook of Experiments for the Teaching of Microbiology' by Primrose and Wordlaw
Programme or List of Programmes
ASBSc in Analytical Science