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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2006 - 2007

Module Title German Language 1 (Intermediate)
Module Code GE103
School SALIS

Online Module Resources

Level 1 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
7 To consolidate language competence and increase fluency 7 To introduce students to the economy, society and culture of the target country 7 To develop personal language learning strategies that will enable students to be become autonomous language users and learners 7 To introduce students to Information Technology in the multi-media centre.

Learning Outcomes
7 Ability to listen and read for the gist of written and oral discourse 7 Increase awareness of the similarities and difference between the economy, society and culture of the target country and Ireland 7 Increase confidence in the use of the target language 7 Demonstrate language learning strategies.

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 24
Tutorials 0
Laboratories 0
Seminars 0
Independent Learning Time 51

Total 75
Assume that a 5 credit module load represents approximately 75 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
· Authentic materials(newspaper articles, extracts of TV news and radio programmes, reports etc.) on a variety of economic, social and cultural themes · Listening and reading for gist in relatively complex situations · Language learning (meta cognitive) strategies: identifying purpose of language tasks/ setting goals/ planning language activities/self-evaluation/monitoring e.g. diary · Groups with a maximum of 20 students · Interactive classroom sessions · Learner-centered · Use of multi-media facilities
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Indicative Reading List
Essential Course book/booklet, dictionary, grammar materials (books, CD-ROM software), audio and video cassettes (Edition ). Supplementary 7 The undergraduate's guide to studying languages , Hantrais, Linda. 7 See Learner Autonomy , Dickinson, Leslie.
Programme or List of Programmes
AFBA in Accounting & Finance
BSBachelor of Business Studies
BSSAStudy Abroad (DCU Business School)
BSSAOStudy Abroad (DCU Business School)
EBFBA in European Business (French)
EBSBA in European Business (Spanish)
EBTBA in European Business (Trans.Studies)
ECSAStudy Abroad (Engineering & Computing)
ECSAOStudy Abroad (Engineering & Computing)
EMBINEuropean MSc in Business Informatics
HMSAStudy Abroad (Humanities & Soc Science)
HMSAOStudy Abroad (Humanities & Soc Science)
IRBA in International Relations
SHSAStudy Abroad (Science & Health)
SHSAOStudy Abroad (Science & Health)