Module Title |
Marketing of High Tech. Prods.&Innovs.
Module Code |
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Online Module Resources
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Credit Rating |
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Module Aims
- To introduce the student to the theories, principles and practice of marketing of High-Tech and Innovations.
- To learn the skills and techniques for efficient high technology product management.
- To understand the key role of marketing in the value-chain creating processes.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate comprehension and application of the theories, principles and practices of marketing in a high technology environment.
- Access the impact of e-marketing strategies and tools on the traditional marketing mix.
- Critically appraise emergent tools, techniques and environments.
- Demonstrate an ability to select and apply relevant marketing concepts in the context of high tech products, b2b, services and e-environment.
Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures |
Tutorials |
Laboratories |
Seminars |
Independent Learning Time |
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Placements |
Assignments |
Assume that a 10 credit module load represents approximately 150 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.
Indicative Syllabus
- Definitions, Context and Challenges
- Creativity vs. Innovation
- Understanding Hi-tech Customers.
- Crossing the Chasm
- The STP process in hi-tech
- Product Development in High Tech markets.
- Branding Innovation or Brand vs. Innovation
- The Changing Media Landscape
- Advertising and promotion in High Tech Markets.
- Marketing, the corporation, ethics and society.
- Distribution and New Channel Development in High-Tech Markets.
- CRM and e-procurements & Negotiation.
- Pricing Consideration in High Tech Markets.
- Pricing a New Offering
- Marketing, New Technology and Society
Assessment | Continuous Assessment | 50% | Examination Weight | 50% |
Indicative Reading List
Readings will primarily be journal articles and will be made available to you on moodle ( However, some, or all, of the following will provide a useful guide to the course.
Mohr, Segunpa and Slater (2005): Marketing of high technology product and innovation. 2Nd International Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall.
Kotler and Keller, Marketing Management. (2006) 12th Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall.
Programme or List of Programmes
BSSA | Study Abroad (DCU Business School) |
BSSAO | Study Abroad (DCU Business School) |
ECSA | Study Abroad (Engineering & Computing) |
ECSAO | Study Abroad (Engineering & Computing) |
HMSA | Study Abroad (Humanities & Soc Science) |
HMSAO | Study Abroad (Humanities & Soc Science) |
MINT | BSc Marketing, Innovation & Technology |
SHSA | Study Abroad (Science & Health) |
SHSAO | Study Abroad (Science & Health) |
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