The module will examine the following in relation to enterprise and team-based learning:
Entrepreneurship, enterprise, stakeholders, people and social responsibility
Human resource management and strategic organisational development
Personal initiative, risk taking, maverick behaviour, work ethic, accountability, feedback, rewards and recognition
Teams: richness in diversity, interdependence, relationships
Team building processes: communication, negotiation, conflict resolution, decision-making, leadership, synergy
Belbin, R.M. (1981) Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail,
Butterworth/Heinmann, Oxford
Corson, D. [Ed] (1991) Education for Work: Background to Policy and
Curriculum, Clevedon, Multilingual Matters
Gunnigle, P., Heraty, N. & Morley, M. (1997) Personnel & Human Resource
Management: Theory and Practice in Ireland, Dublin, Gill Macmillan
Stewart, J. & McGoldrick, J. (1996) Human Resource Development: Perspectives,
Strategies and Practice, London, Pitman
Ahier, J. & Esland, G. [Eds.] (1999) Education, Training and the Future of Work
1, Social, Political and Economic Contexts of Policy Development,
London, Routledge
Ainley, P. & Rainbird, H. (1999) Apprenticeship: Towards a New Paradigm of
Learning, London, Kogan Page
Arnold, J. Robertson, I.T. & Cooper C.L. (1991) Work Psychology: Understanding
human behaviour in the workplace, London, Pitman
Belbin, R.M. (1996) How to Build Successful Teams..The Belbin Way, Oxford,
Belbin, R.M. (1996) Team Roles at Work, Oxford, Butterworth/Heinmann
Belbin, R.M. (1996) The Coming Shape of Organization, Oxford,
Cohen, M.D., Sproull, L.S. [Eds.] (1996) Organizational Learning, London, Sage
Drucker, P.F. (1985) Innovation and Entreneurship: practice and principle,
London, Heinnmann
Easterby-Smith, M., Araujo, L. and Burgoyne, J. (1999) Organizational Learning
and the Learning Organization, London, Sage
Finlay, I. Niven, S. & Young, S. (1998) Changing Vocational Education and
Training, London, Routledge
Jennings, D. & Wattam, S. (1998) Decision Making: An Integrated Approach,
London, Pitman/Financial Times
Macken, G.M. (1995) A study of the theoretical and policy implications of
entreneurship in Ireland, unpublished MBA Dissertation, Dublin, DCU
Morley, M., Moore, S., Heraty, S. & Gunnigle (1998) Principles of Organisational
Behaviour: an Irish text, Dublin, Gill Macmillan
O'Gorman, C. (1997) Enterprise in Action: an intropduction to entrepreneurship
in an Irish context, Dublin, Oak Tree Press
Roche, W.K., Monks, K. & Walsh, J. (1998) Human Resource Strategies: Policy
and Practice in Ireland, Dublin, Oak Tree Press
Rylatt, A. (2001) Learning Unlimited: Transforming Learning in the Workplace,
London, Kogan Page
Schein, E.H. (1997) Organizational Culture and Leadership, San Francisco,
Stott, K. & Walker, A. (1995) Teams, Teamwork and Teambuilding: the
Manager's Complete Guide to Teams in Organisations, London,
Prentice Hall