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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2005 - 2006

Module Title Enterprise Education and Team-based Learning
Module Code ES316
School School of Education Studies

Online Module Resources

Level 1 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
The module aims to identify conceptual frameworks for analysing the forms and strategic contexts of enterprise and team-based learning with a view to improving practice.

Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module students will be able to: 7 Identify the conceptual frameworks for analysing current and future forms of enterprise and team-based learning 7 Understand the strategic contexts of current and future enterprise and team-based learning. 7 Influence and initiate improvements in the practice of enterprise and team-based learning.

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 36
Tutorials 3
Laboratories 0
Seminars 0
Independent Learning Time 36

Total 75
Assume that a 5 credit module load represents approximately 75 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
The module will examine the following in relation to enterprise and team-based learning: Entrepreneurship, enterprise, stakeholders, people and social responsibility Human resource management and strategic organisational development Personal initiative, risk taking, maverick behaviour, work ethic, accountability, feedback, rewards and recognition Teams: richness in diversity, interdependence, relationships Team building processes: communication, negotiation, conflict resolution, decision-making, leadership, synergy
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Indicative Reading List
Essential: Belbin, R.M. (1981) Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail, Butterworth/Heinmann, Oxford Corson, D. [Ed] (1991) Education for Work: Background to Policy and Curriculum, Clevedon, Multilingual Matters Gunnigle, P., Heraty, N. & Morley, M. (1997) Personnel & Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice in Ireland, Dublin, Gill Macmillan Stewart, J. & McGoldrick, J. (1996) Human Resource Development: Perspectives, Strategies and Practice, London, Pitman Supplementary: Ahier, J. & Esland, G. [Eds.] (1999) Education, Training and the Future of Work 1, Social, Political and Economic Contexts of Policy Development, London, Routledge Ainley, P. & Rainbird, H. (1999) Apprenticeship: Towards a New Paradigm of Learning, London, Kogan Page Arnold, J. Robertson, I.T. & Cooper C.L. (1991) Work Psychology: Understanding human behaviour in the workplace, London, Pitman Belbin, R.M. (1996) How to Build Successful Teams..The Belbin Way, Oxford, Butterworth/Heinmann Belbin, R.M. (1996) Team Roles at Work, Oxford, Butterworth/Heinmann Belbin, R.M. (1996) The Coming Shape of Organization, Oxford, Butterworth/Heinmann Cohen, M.D., Sproull, L.S. [Eds.] (1996) Organizational Learning, London, Sage Drucker, P.F. (1985) Innovation and Entreneurship: practice and principle, London, Heinnmann Easterby-Smith, M., Araujo, L. and Burgoyne, J. (1999) Organizational Learning and the Learning Organization, London, Sage Finlay, I. Niven, S. & Young, S. (1998) Changing Vocational Education and Training, London, Routledge Jennings, D. & Wattam, S. (1998) Decision Making: An Integrated Approach, London, Pitman/Financial Times Macken, G.M. (1995) A study of the theoretical and policy implications of entreneurship in Ireland, unpublished MBA Dissertation, Dublin, DCU Morley, M., Moore, S., Heraty, S. & Gunnigle (1998) Principles of Organisational Behaviour: an Irish text, Dublin, Gill Macmillan O'Gorman, C. (1997) Enterprise in Action: an intropduction to entrepreneurship in an Irish context, Dublin, Oak Tree Press Roche, W.K., Monks, K. & Walsh, J. (1998) Human Resource Strategies: Policy and Practice in Ireland, Dublin, Oak Tree Press Rylatt, A. (2001) Learning Unlimited: Transforming Learning in the Workplace, London, Kogan Page Schein, E.H. (1997) Organizational Culture and Leadership, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass Stott, K. & Walker, A. (1995) Teams, Teamwork and Teambuilding: the Manager's Complete Guide to Teams in Organisations, London, Prentice Hall
Programme or List of Programmes
BETBSc in Education & Training