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Programme Academic Structure for 2024 - 2025, Bachelor of Arts (BAJH)

This information is provisional & subject to change.

Year 1 Optional Modules -

CodeTitleCreditSemesterExam %CA %Resit Category
EL101Introduction to Fiction:Short Story and Novel5Semester 170301
EL102Eng.Study Skills,Creativity&Theoretical Contx5Semester 101001
EL103Genre: The Tragedy-Comedy Complex5Semester 101001
EL104Poetry: How and Why to Read it5Semester 250501
EL105Modern European and American Drama5Semester 201001
EL106Lit&Value:What Makes Great Books Great5Semester 201001
FN150Cúrsa Teanga 110Year long01001
FN151An Nuafhilíocht agus na hAmhráin5Semester 110001
FN152Scéal na Gaeilge5Semester 101001
FN154AnScealaiochtThraidisiunta&anGearrsceal5Semester 201001
FN162Scéal na Gaeilge 25Semester 201001
GY101Introduction to Human Geography5Semester 150501
GY102Ireland in Europe and the Wider World5Semester 250501
GY103Hazardous Earth5Semester 150501
GY104Global Climates5Semester 250501
GY105Geographical Interpretation and Communication5Semester 101001
GY107Geographical Fieldwork and Observation Skills5Semester 201001
HD109Introduction to Human Development 15Semester 101001
HD110Introduction to Human Development 25Semester 201001
HD112Intellectual Development of the Child5Semester 201001
HD113Social and Emotional Development of the Child5Semester 101001
HD114Philosophy: Perspectives on Childhood5Semester 201001
HD115Social Contexts of Childhood5Semester 101001
HY112Making of Modern Ireland 1850-19987.5Semester 160401
HY113The World Since 19457.5Semester 160401
HY115Early Modern Europe, 1450-16487.5Semester 201001
HY118Uses and Abuses of History7.5Semester 201001
MC101Composition, Theory and Applied Techniques 17.5Semester 101001
MC102Composition, Theory and Applied Techniques 27.5Semester 201001
MC103Topics in Musicology 15Semester 101001
MC104Topics in Musicology 25Semester 250501
MC105Performance / Participation in Music 15Year long01001
TP101History of Christianity5Semester 101001
TP102Intro. to the Jewish and Christian Scriptures5Semester 201001
TP103Ethics7.5Semester 201001
TP105Introduction to Islam7.5Semester 101001
TP106Theology: Sources, Themes, Debates5Semester 101001
TP134Introduction to Political Philosophy5Semester 101001
TP135Reason Argument Analysis Intro to Logic7.5Semester 201001
TP137Philosophy Texts 15Semester 201001
TP150Philosophy Texts 17.5Semester 201001
TP153Introduction to Philosophy: Central Issues5Semester 101001
TP154Ethics5Semester 201001
TP155Reason Argument Analysis Intro to Logic5Semester 201001
TP156Knowledge, Belief, Scepticism5Semester 11001

Year 2 Optional Modules -

CodeTitleCreditSemesterExam %CA %Resit Category
EL201Shakespeare and the English Renaissance5Semester 160401
EL202Gender and Sexuality5Semester 101001
EL203Romanticism: Innocence and Experience5Semester 170301
EL20419th Century Literature5Semester 270301
EL205Modernism and Postmodernism5Semester 201001
EL206Empire Writing and Postcolonial Literatures5Semester 201001
EL207Creative Writing Fundamentals Craft&Technique5Semester 101001
EL2070Creative Writing Fundamentals Craft&Technique5Semester 201001
FN250Cúrsa Teanga 210Year long50501
FN251Aistriúchán agus Eagarthóireacht5Semester 101001
FN253An Nuafhilíocht 25Semester 110001
FN256Litríocht an 17ú agus 18ú haois5Semester 201001
FN257An Béaloideas5Semester 101001
FN341Teangeolaíocht na Gaeilge5Semester 201001
FN348Ainmeolaíocht na Gaeilge5Semester 260401
GY209Evolution of Ireland's Physical Landscape5Semester 101001
GY212Society, Space and Inequality5Semester 150501
GY215Humanitarian Action5Semester 101001
GY218Climate Change: Causes and Consequences5Semester 250501
GY243Skills for Exploring Environments10Semester 201002
HD211Psychology 1: Learning and Motivation5Semester 101001
HD212Psychology II: Psychology of Adolescence5Semester 201001
HD213Social Contexts of Adolescence5Semester 101001
HD214Philosophy: Selfhood, Narrative & Recognition5Semester 101001
HD218Sociology of Adulthood5Semester 201001
HD220Research Methods in Human Development5Semester 201001
HY115AEarly Modern Europe, 1450-16487.5Semester 201001
HY201Ireland 1690-18505Semester 166341
HY206Death and Disease in History10Semester 201001
HY228Authority and society in the 20th century10Semester 101001
HY230Irish Women in the Long Nineteenth Century10Semester 101001
HY232Political, Social and Cultural Change10Semester 201001
HY234Ireland 1169-1534: culture, law and society10Semester 11001
HY235A History of Northern Ireland5Semester 260401
HY236Fact, Fiction and European History10Semester 201001
MC201Composition, Theory and Applied Techniques 35Semester 101001
MC202Composition, Theory and Applied Techniques 45Semester 201001
MC203Topics in Musicology 37.5Semester 101001
MC204Topics in Musicology 47.5Semester 240601
MC205Performance / Participation in Music 25Year long01001
TP204Justice and Peace5Semester 101001
TP206The Letters of Paul5Semester 201001
TP210Philosophy: An Historical Introduction5Semester 101001
TP212Christology,Systematic,Hist.& Interreligious5Semester 201001
TP214Liberation Theologies5Semester 101001
TP232Philosophy of Religion5Semester 201001
TP233Environmental Ethics and Global Moral Issues5Semester 201001
TP234Philosophy Texts 25Semester 201001
TP235Aesthetics7.5Semester 101001
TP236Metaphysics: An Historical Survey7.5Semester 101001
TP237Science and Religion5Semester 201001

Year 3 Optional Modules -

CodeTitleCreditSemesterExam %CA %Resit Category
EL301Research Seminar10Year long01001
EL302Poetry in Public5Semester 201001
EL303Irish Writing: then & now, local & the global5Semester 101001
EL304Staging Ireland A history of Irish Theatre5Semester 101001
EL305Here be Dragons Childrens and YA Literature5Semester 201001
EL324Advanced Creative Writing5Semester 101001
EL3240Advanced Creative Writing5Semester 201001
FN246An Téarmeolaíocht agus an Fhoclóireacht5Semester 201001
FN310Athbheochan agus Athnuachan5Semester 101001
FN311An tSochtheangeolaíocht5Semester 101001
FN312Nuaphrós na Gaeilge5Semester 201001
FN349An Cúrsa Taighde10Year long01001
FN350Cúrsa Teanga 310Year long50501
GY303Geopolitics: Middle East and North Africa5Semester 101001
GY306Slums and Suburbs5Semester 150501
GY309Historical Geography5Semester 150501
GY320Political Geography: Spaces of Memory10Semester 201001
GY329Advanced Urban Geography Research Project10Semester 201001
GY332Research skills for Catchments10Semester 201001
GY337Advanced Environmental Geography5Semester 240601
GY339Residential Field Course5Semester 101001
HD220AResearch Methods in Human Development5Semester 201001
HD311Social Psychology5Semester 201001
HD313Counselling and Psychotherapy5Semester 101001
HD314Social Philosophy5Semester 101001
HD318Contemporary Perspectives in Human Dev and Ed5Semester 101001
HD319Philosophy Existentialism5Semester 201001
HD320Research Methods and Dissertation10Year long01001
HD321Contemporary Issues in Educational Contexts5Semester 201001
HY325Modern Europe, 1848-19455Semester 201001
HY326Modern America, 1830-197210Semester 101001
HY328Public Health in Ireland, c. 1850-193010Semester 201001
HY329The Irish Revival and Revolution , 1884-192210Semester 201001
HY330Revolution & Civil War in Ireland, 1916-192310Semester 201001
HY331Negotiating Gender British & Irish Women 194510Semester 201001
HY333Nationalism in Modern Europe Theory & Practic10Semester 201001
HY337Crime and Punishment, c.1750-195010Semester 101001
HY341Life In Medieval Towns: Sex,Class & Race10Semester 201001
HY342Witchhunting in Early Modern Europe10Semester 101001
HY345Historical Sources and Approaches10Semester 201001
HY346Children and Childhood in the Western World10Semester 11001
HY347Empires and Globalisation5Semester 160401
MC301Composition, Theory and Applied Techniques 55Semester 101001
MC302Composition, Theory and Applied Techniques 65Semester 201001
MC303Topics in Musicology 55Semester 140601
MC304Topics in Musicology 65Semester 201001
MC305Performance / Participation in Music 35Year long01001
MC306Musicological Research5Year long01001
MC318Choral Studies/Conducting5Year long01001
TP301Social Ethics & Service-Learning Placement10Year long01001
TP302Religion:Philosoph. & Sociological Approaches5Semester 201001
TP303New Testament: The Gospels5Semester 101001
TP307World Religions/World Views5Semester 201001
TP312Bioethics5Semester 101001
TP319Hinduism, Buddhism & Eastern Traditions5Semester 201001
TP321Topics in European Philosophy7.5Semester 101001
TP325World Philosophies5Semester 201001
TP326Thesis/Dissertation7.5Semester 201001
TP327Topics in Feminist Philosophy5Semester 201001
UM405Uaneen Non-Contributing Module5Year long01001

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