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Academic Structures

Programme Academic Structure for 2023 - 2024, BA Single Module

This information is provisional & subject to change.

Year C Optional Modules -

CodeTitleCreditSemesterExam %CA %Resit Category
HIS1What is History?15F01001
HIS2Europe and a Wider World15F01001
HIS3Land, Politics & Society in Ireland 1790-192215F01001
HIS4Politics, Culture & Society in Ireland, 1916-15F01001
HIS5Women in Irish and European Society 1789-192215F01001
HIS6Researching Local History :People,Place & Tim15F01001
LIT1What is Literature?15F01001
LIT2Literature of the Twentieth Century15F01001
LIT3Literature of the 17th and 18th Centuries15F01001
LIT4The Renaissance15F01001
LIT5Literature of the 19th Century:Romanticism to15F01001
LIT6Contemp & Late Twentieth Century Literatures15F01001
PH100What is Philosophy?15Year long01001
PH200What can I know? Philosophy of Knowledge15Year long01001
PH220Philosophy of Education15Year long01001
PH310Phil & Relig: Historical & Contemp Relationsh15F01001
PHIL3Philosophy of Values: Ethics and Aesthetics15Year long01001
PHIL6Contemporary Philosophy15F01001
SC100What is Sociology?15F01001
SC200Sociology of the Lifecourse15Year long01001
SC300Sociology of Health and Illness15F01001
SOC3ASocietal Structure and Social Order15Year long01001
SOC4Social Inequality and Intergroup Relations15Year long01001
SOC5BLanguage, Culture and Society15F01001

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