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Academic Structures

Programme Academic Structure for 2024 - 2025, MA in International Security & Conflict

This information is provisional & subject to change.

Full-time Programme Structure

Year 1 Core Modules:

CodeTitleCreditSemesterExam %CA %Resit Category
LG5000Dissertation25Autumn Semester01002
LG528Research Methodology5Semester 101001
LG532International Security10Semester 101001
LG533Resolving and Managing Conflict10Semester 101001
LG566International Law and Conflict10Semester 101001

Year 1 Optional Modules -

CodeTitleCreditSemesterExam %CA %Resit Category
LG5008Environmental Change and World Politics10Semester 201001
LG5029International Security: Critical Approaches10Semester 201001
LG5037EU Foreign and Security Policy10Semester 201001
LG5042Emerging Issues in Security10Semester 201001
LG5051Statehood and Recognition in World Politics10Semester 201001
LG5055Race, Minorities & Indigenous in Int'l Law10Semester 201001
LG5058Counter-Terrorism in Europe10Semester 201001
LG5064The Governance of Migration in Europe10Semester 201001
LG5067Gender, Masculinities and Colonialism10Semester 201001
LG5068Gender and Politics10Semester 201001
LG517International Development Practice10Semester 201001
LG525Irish Foreign Policy10Semester 201001
LG534Conflict, Security and Peacebuilding10Semester 201001
LG536Political Terrorism10Semester 201001
LG542Politics & Development in Sub-Saharan Africa10Semester 201001
LG552Politics of the UN10Semester 201001
LG574Politics of the Middle East and North Africa10Semester 201001
LG599War and Peace in South Asia10Semester 201001
UM405Uaneen Non-Contributing Module5Year long01001

Part-time Programme Structure

Year 1 Core Modules:

CodeTitleCreditSemesterExam %CA %Resit Category
LG532International Security10Semester 101001
LG533Resolving and Managing Conflict10Semester 101001

Year 1 Optional Modules,

CodeTitleCreditSemesterExam %CA %Resit Category
LG5008Environmental Change and World Politics10Semester 201001
LG5029International Security: Critical Approaches10Semester 201001
LG5037EU Foreign and Security Policy10Semester 201001
LG5042Emerging Issues in Security10Semester 201001
LG5051Statehood and Recognition in World Politics10Semester 201001
LG5055Race, Minorities & Indigenous in Int'l Law10Semester 201001
LG5058Counter-Terrorism in Europe10Semester 201001
LG5064The Governance of Migration in Europe10Semester 201001
LG5067Gender, Masculinities and Colonialism10Semester 201001
LG5068Gender and Politics10Semester 201001
LG517International Development Practice10Semester 201001
LG525Irish Foreign Policy10Semester 201001
LG534Conflict, Security and Peacebuilding10Semester 201001
LG536Political Terrorism10Semester 201001
LG542Politics & Development in Sub-Saharan Africa10Semester 201001
LG552Politics of the UN10Semester 201001
LG574Politics of the Middle East and North Africa10Semester 201001
LG599War and Peace in South Asia10Semester 201001

Year 2 Core Modules:

CodeTitleCreditSemesterExam %CA %Resit Category
LG5000ADissertation25Autumn Semester01002
LG528AResearch Methodology5Semester 101001
LG566AInternational Law and Conflict10Semester 101001

Year 2 Optional Modules,

CodeTitleCreditSemesterExam %CA %Resit Category
LG5008AEnvironmental Change and World Politics10Semester 201001
LG5029AInternational Security: Critical Approaches10Semester 201001
LG5037AEU Foreign and Security Policy10Semester 201001
LG5042AEmerging Issues in Security10Semester 201001
LG5051AStatehood and Recognition in World Politics10Semester 201001
LG5055ARace, Minorities & Indigenous in Int'l Law10Semester 201001
LG5058ACounter-Terrorism in Europe10Semester 201001
LG5064AThe Governance of Migration in Europe10Semester 201001
LG5067AGender, Masculinities and Colonialism10Semester 201001
LG5068AGender and Politics10Semester 201001
LG517AInternational Development Practice10Semester 201001
LG524ARussia and the Former Soviet Space10Semester 201001
LG525AIrish Foreign Policy10Semester 201001
LG534AConflict, Security and Peacebuilding10Semester 201001
LG536APolitical Terrorism10Semester 201001
LG542APolitics & Development in Sub-Saharan Africa10Semester 201001
LG552APolitics of the UN10Semester 201001
LG574APolitics of the Middle East and North Africa10Semester 201001
LG599AWar and Peace in South Asia10Semester 201001
UM405Uaneen Non-Contributing Module5Year long01001

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