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Academic Structures

Programme Academic Structure for 2024 - 2025, MSc in Bioprocess Engineering

This information is provisional & subject to change.

Full-time Programme Structure

Year 1 Core Modules:

CodeTitleCreditSemesterExam %CA %Resit Category
BE515Fundamentals of Bioreaction Engineering5Semester 101001
BE516Bioseparations5Semester 201001
BE527Recombinant DNA Technology5Semester 101001
BE560Bioprocessing Laboratory 15Semester 201002
BE580Introduction to Bioprocess Engineering5Semester 101001
BE581Bioprocess Scale Up & Technology Transfer5Semester 201001
BE582Animal Cell Culture Technology5Semester 101001
BE583Biopharmaceutical Industry Regulation & Mgt5Semester 201001
BE584Bioreactor Design, Modelling & Monitoring5Semester 101001
BE585Regulatory Affairs Sc. for Biotech Products5Semester 101001
BE586Formulation & Delivery of Biopharmaceuticals5Semester 201001
BE587Biopharmaceutical Facility Design & Operation5Semester 201001
BE597Bioprocess Engineering Design Project30Autumn Semester01002

Part-time Programme Structure

Year C Optional Modules,

CodeTitleCreditSemesterExam %CA %Resit Category
BE515Fundamentals of Bioreaction Engineering5Semester 101001
BE516Bioseparations5Semester 201001
BE527Recombinant DNA Technology5Semester 101001
BE560Bioprocessing Laboratory 15Semester 201002
BE580Introduction to Bioprocess Engineering5Semester 101001
BE581Bioprocess Scale Up & Technology Transfer5Semester 201001
BE582Animal Cell Culture Technology5Semester 101001
BE583Biopharmaceutical Industry Regulation & Mgt5Semester 201001
BE584Bioreactor Design, Modelling & Monitoring5Semester 101001
BE585Regulatory Affairs Sc. for Biotech Products5Semester 101001
BE586Formulation & Delivery of Biopharmaceuticals5Semester 201001
BE587Biopharmaceutical Facility Design & Operation5Semester 201001
BE597Bioprocess Engineering Design Project30Autumn Semester01002

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